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Increased appetite with weight gain was reported in 45% of patients, but resolved in half of these with time. Transient memory disturbance was noted in 14 patients (48%) during the immediate postoperative period, but residual difficulties were reported by only four (14%). Attention and behavior were noted to improve in many of the patients in this series, but further details were not available (55). Remarkably similar results were subsequently reported by Rekate and colleagues at the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix (54). Notably, transient short-term memory impairment was noted in 58% of the patients, but persisted in only two patients (8%). Based upon postoperative interviews with the patients and their families 1 year after surgery, subjective improvement in cognition (65% of patients) and behavior (88%) were reported (54). However, neuropsychological studies comparing pre- and postoperative functioning have not yet been published. All Chapter 87: Hypothalamic Hamartoma 979 patients had at least 1 year of follow-up. All patients had a history of gelastic seizures at some time point during their clinical course, and 29 (78%) had active gelastic seizures at the time of surgery. Eighteen patients (49%) were completely seizure-free, while seizure frequency was reduced at least 90% in an additional eight patients (22%). No patients with endocrine disturbance, either transient or permanent, were observed. These were entirely asymptomatic in 9 of 11 cases, and the remaining two made a complete clinical recovery. These infarcts were attributed to disruption or injury to small thalamic perforators as a result of local brain movement with excursions of the endoscope. A maximal threshold of 10 Gy to the optic tracts and 8 Gy to the optic chiasm and optic nerve were utilized for treatment planning for this prospective treatment study (105). The median radiosurgery dose to the 50% isodose margin was 17 Gy (range 13 to 26 Gy, mean 16. Of the 27 patients reported, 10 (37%) were completely seizure-free and an additional 6 (22%) were substantially improved with only rare gelastic seizures (105). Initially after treatment, seizure frequency may be improved, or patients may continue to have seizures at their preintervention baseline. Several months following therapy, an increase in seizure frequency, sometimes lasting for only a few days, may be observed. Subsequent to this, patients responding to treatment will experience progressively fewer seizures, with complete seizure control after a period of 6 to 24 months. Regis and colleagues recommend waiting 36 months from the time of treatment to assess final efficacy. No patients among the 27 treated were reported to have a permanent complication (105). In contrast to side effects that may be seen with resective surgery, there were no patients in this series that experienced weight gain, endocrine disturbance, adverse changes in cognition or short-term memory complaints. It is a less desirable approach for those patients who are progressively worsening with their epilepsy, or experiencing cognitive decline or behavioral deterioration with uncontrolled seizures. Kuzniecky reported a series of 12 patients treated with this modality, eight with stereotactic thermoablation alone and four with endoscopic resection followed by thermoablation (74). In the first group of eight, three (38%) were seizure-free and two (25%) were at least 90% improved with regard to seizure frequency. In the second group of four, two patients are seizure-free 980 Part V: Epilepsy Surgery and one was improved at least 90% for seizure frequency. There was one death due to brainstem infarction, and one patient had transient difficulties with short-term memory. SchulzeBonhage and colleagues in Freiburg, Germany, have reported a series of 24 patients (mean age 21. Thirteen of 24 patients (54%) required at least one reimplantation for a second course of therapy if the response to the initial course was unsatisfactory. This algorithm is meant to provide a frame of reference for the clinician and researcher.

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Seizures are often partial complex or myoclonic though they can evolve to include multiple types. Encephalopathy and liver disease can stabilize with partial resolution of symptoms. Disease onset after exposure to valproate and valproaterelated worsening of existing symptoms is characteristic of this condition (165,166). Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration is not discussed here, as seizures are not a prominent feature. Infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy (Seitelberger disease) is an autosomal recessive disorder affecting both the central and the peripheral nervous systems. Characteristic pathologic features of axonal spheroids within the peripheral and central nervous systems are seen. Clinical features begin between 1 and 2 years of age with psychomotor regression, hypotonia, and development of a progressive motor sensory neuropathy. Seizures occur in one third of patients, with onset of convulsions after 3 years of age. During sleep, the fast activity may persist, and K complexes are typically absent (157). Seizure types described with infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy include myoclonic and tonic (158,159). Schindler disease results from a deficiency in -N-acetylgalactosaminidase (22q11). Affected patients appear normal at birth, but progressive neurologic decline becomes evident in the second year. Manifestations include spasticity, cerebellar signs, and extrapyramidal dysfunction. Two of these syndromic presentations of mitochondrial disease are described below. Affected individuals may have short stature, neurosensory hearing loss, optic atrophy, myopathy, or encephalopathy. As with many of the progressive myoclonus epilepsies, giant somatosensory evoked potentials are observed. Lactic acidosis and the presence of ragged-red fibers on muscle biopsy are common features of the diagnosis. Migraine-like headaches, progressive deafness, seizures, cognitive decline, and myopathic features may accompany these symptoms. Later, focal spikes or sharp waves and 14- and 6-Hz positive bursts were frequently recorded. The observed seizures were characterized by focal clonic and myoclonic movements with migrainous headache. Lactic acid is elevated in the blood, and ragged-red fibers are present on muscle biopsy. The other mutation involves a coding region of complex I of the respiratory chain (168). Clinical neurophysiologic studies demonstrate interictal epileptiform discharges and giant somatosensory evoked potentials. Screening for this condition includes assessing glycosylation status via mass spectroscopy (and previously via isoelectric focusing of transferrin isoforms) (172). The childhood onset form begins in early school age with attention deficit and cognitive regression. Status epilepticus has been the initial presenting symptom, and epilepsia partialis continua has also been reported.

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Two thirds of this group had resections involving two lobes, whereas the remaining one third underwent operations in three distinct lobes. They do not comment on how many patients had multifocal resections within a single lobe. An Italian group of investigators recently reported that 20 of 113 (18%) children they studied had multilobar resections (31). In contrast, 30% of those undergoing multifocal resections underwent a second operation because of persistent seizures (31). Our center reported 13 patients who underwent surgical treatment of multifocal epilepsy involving eloquent cortex (32). The multiple independent seizure foci documented in this group rendered these patients unconventional candidates for epilepsy surgery. Independent seizure foci were defined by subdural electrode recordings, when separate regions were identified as onsets for different seizures (32). Faced with increasing numbers of patients being referred to our center who did not meet the strict conventional selection criteria for epilepsy surgery, we developed a novel strategy with the goal of improving outcomes in this worst prognostic group, based on a rational treatment philosophy (33). We utilized multistage surgery, in which more than two operative stages were performed during the same hospital admission, with subdural electrodes, to treat a select group of patients, including those with multifocal seizure foci. The rationale was to identify which seizure foci were primarily epileptogenic, and therefore needed to be resected, in a multifocal setting. The surprising result that two thirds of these patients were free of seizures at long-term follow-up mandates that we attempt to understand the underlying difference between this population and those others that fare less well with multifocal resections (15). Surgery may be more successful because the lesions are more easily detected and dealt with surgically. In other multifocal patients, independent onset zones may start truly independently with different semiologies. Can a strategic surgical intervention targeting an occult primary focus alter this network The hypothesis that this question is based on is that multifocal epilepsy is the observed phenotype of a primary seizure focus driving a complex epileptic network. A careful review of the literature indicates that this theme has been repeatedly observed over the history of epilepsy surgery. The successful surgical outcomes seen in several of these scenarios support the idea that if a primary focus can be identified, it can be strategically targeted with a resection that disrupts the network. Despite advances in anatomic and functional imaging as well as electrophysiologic studies, the challenge remains how to enhance the detection of a primary focus when it is not apparent. They demonstrated that certain patients with temporal lobe epilepsy with bilateral independent seizures could be cured with a focal resection, a unilateral temporal lobectomy. These patients would have been rejected as surgical candidates by standard selection criteria at that time. They concluded that "having fewer than 80% of seizures originate in one temporal lobe should not be an absolute contraindication for temporal lobectomy" in bitemporal patients in whom most evidence implicates one temporal lobe (42). They posited three theories to explain their observation: the contralateral lobe is secondarily epileptogenic ("mirror focus") (43,44), surgery disconnects the pathway of ictal spread to involved extratemporal foci, or that it is a truly bilateral disease responsive to unilateral lobectomy (43,44). When we initiated this work, our treatment goal was not necessarily seizure freedom. In fact, we were surprised by many of the unexpected good outcomes, which challenged our group to pursue this therapeutic strategy even further. Removal of a radiation-induced frontal lobe cavernous malformation resulted in amelioration of his disabling seizure type, illustrating how focal resection of the more deleterious focus may dramatically improve quality of life, despite the multifocal background (53). The hypothesis we began with was that, despite the multifocal findings on imaging and electrophysiology, an ictal focus could be identified and resected in these patients. The multidisciplinary epilepsy team felt that the alternative path, a continued course of severe epilepsy despite multiple medications, entailed significant risk as well.

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It is unlikely that stiripentol will be licensed for adult patients with other types of epilepsy and, therefore, stiripentol is not expected to have a significant role in epilepsy management. Inhibitory effect of stiripentol on carbamazepine and saquinavir metabolism in human. Stiripentol in severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy: a randomised placebo-controlled syndrome-dedicated trial. Stiripentol in childhood partial epilepsy: randomized placebo-controlled trial with enrichment and withdrawal design. Kassai B, Chiron C, Augier S, Cucherat M, Rey E, Gueyffier F, Guerrini R, Vincent J, Dulac O, Pons G. Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data. There appears to be no significant difference between carbamazepine and sulthiame in the treatment of benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes. With regard to seizures secondary to Rett syndrome, sulthiame may be a good alternative to carbamazepine, particularly in those patients where carbamazepine is not effective or not well tolerated. Sulthiame has comparable efficacy to vigabatrin in the management of West syndrome. Sulthiame in the primary therapy of West syndrome: a randomized double-blind placebocontrolled add-on trial on baseline pyridoxine medication. Carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine and sulthiame in newly diagnosed benign epilepsy of childhood with rolandic spikes. Sulthiame in adults with refractory epilepsy and learning disability: an open trial. Carbamazepine versus sulthiame in treating benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes. Sulthiame as monotherapy in children with benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes: a 6-month randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Deterioration in cognitive function in children with benign epilepsy of childhood with centro temporal spikes treated with sulthiame. Pharmacokinetics of tiagabine as add-on therapy in patients taking enzyme-inducing antiepilepsy drugs. Topiramate is a drug of first or second choice in patients with the Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Topiramate placebo-controlled dose-ranging trial in refractory partial epilepsy using 200-, 400-, and 600-mg daily dosages. Drug interactions involving the new second- and third-generation antiepileptic drugs. Cognitive and behavioral effects of lamotrigine and topiramate in healthy volunteers. Topiramate placebo-controlled dose-ranging trial in refractory partial epilepsy using 600-, 800-, and 1,000-mg daily dosages. It is generally considered the first-line therapy for all types of generalized seizures (idiopathic and symptomatic. However, valproate is possibly slightly less effective than carbamazepine against partial seizures and is more efficacious than lamotrigine and better tolerated than topiramate in patients with generalized and unclassified epilepsies. Seizure aggravation is not a feature of valproate but when it occurs it is usually in a specific clinical context such as overdose, encephalopathy, or hepatic or metabolic disorders. The serious adverse effects, particularly in women of childbearing potential and in patients of early childhood should always be considered. Weight change associated with valproate and lamotrigine monotherapy in patients with epilepsy. A comparison of valproate with carbamazepine for the treatment of complex partial seizures and secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizures in adults.

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Specific genetic analyses may become more commonplace as the genetic basis for different cortical malformations becomes known. Early in the course of the epilepsy when this evaluation is done, mitochondrial disorders and neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis may present similarly, and appropriate biochemical evaluations should be considered. Additionally, molecular genetic studies have identified causative genes and loci for a number of early malignant epileptic encephalopathies creating the possibility of genetic testing (22) both for diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Further evaluation for aminoacidopathies, organic acidopathies, urea cycle defects, chromosomal abnormalities should be performed where appropriate. Lumbar puncture should be used in cases of suspected infectious and metabolic etiologies (especially mitochondrial and neurotransmitter deficiencies). Many other medications have purported benefit including levetiracetam, clonazepam, and clobazam. Clobazapam may be preferable to clonazepam given a lesser likelihood to cause sedation. Over sedation may be as damaging to development and gaining functional skills as the recurrent seizures. In particular, benzodiazepines use may evoke sedation and may provoke atypical absence and tonic status epilepticus (30,31). There was no increase in adverse effects as compared to placebo except for an increase in respiratory infections. From a practical standpoint, it is difficult to use it as an initial drug because of the slow titration. An open label extension of the same study utilizing an average of close to 10 mg/kg/day showed a greater than 50% decrease in drop attacks in 55% of the patients including 15% with elimination of drop attacks (65). Parental reports of increased alertness and improved verbal output were noted very early in its use (67). Now, it has more limited use due to the risk of liver failure in children (approximately 1 in 30,000). There is also a risk of about 127 per million exposures for aplastic anemia but no cases were seen under the age of 13 (59). Other drugs that have been studied in small studies include levetiracetam, zonisamide, clobazam, nitrazepam, acetazolamide, and amantidine (33). In a study of six patients, levetiracetam showed significant reductions in myoclonic, atonic, and atypical absence, but not tonic seizures (68). In one study of 14 patients, adjunctive nitrazepam resulted in a 41% reduction in seizures (70). Ethosuximide occasionally demonstrates benefit in patients with atypical absence but also myoclonic and atonic seizures as well (33). There is some evidence that adults with refractory epilepsy may benefit from the diet even when less restrictions are used with the modified Atkins diet (75). Corpus callosotomy is a surgical procedure that disconnects the anterior two third to three fourth of the cerebral hemispheres to prevent seizure propagation to eliminate the risk of falls and injury by reducing spread of generalized seizures (see chapter 88). Partial callosotomy is effective in 50% to 75% of cases while complete callosotomy may reach 80% to 90% reduction of drop attacks associated with generalized tonic and atonic seizures that require transcallosal propagation to affect both hemispheres to result in falls. In severely mentally retarded patients, a complete callosotomy may offer improved efficacy when compared with partial corpus callosotomy (76). Disconnection syndrome is the most serious side-effect from callosotomy with an inability to transfer sensory information from one hemisphere to another and motor and coordination difficulties in the non-dominant limbs. Substantiation of efficacy in randomized controlled clinical trials remains to be elucidated. Few patients lead independent lives as an adult as a result of daily seizures, cognitive, or behavioral abnormalities. Refractory seizures are the rule, and the prognosis for normal intellectual function rarely occurs (10).

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Nevertheless, bear the possibility in mind in the event of an unexpected response to treatment. Ajoene, the antiplatelet principle of garlic, synergistically potentiates the antiaggregatory action of prostacyclin, forskolin, indomethacin and dypiridamole [sic] on human platelets. Garlic + Benzodiazepines Garlic + Alcohol the interaction between garlic and alcohol is based on experimental evidence only. Evidence, mechanism, importance and management Garlic juice, from fresh garlic bulbs, inhibited the metabolism of alcohol in mice. Garlic is a common ingredient in food and so it is very unlikely that this interaction is clinically relevant. Garlic does not appear to affect the pharmacokinetics of alprazolam, midazolam or triazolam to a clinically relevant extent. Clinical evidence A study in 14 healthy subjects found that Kwai garlic tablets 600 mg twice daily for 14 days did not affect the pharmacokinetics of a single 2-mg dose of alprazolam. Importance and management the results of the clinical studies suggest that garlic does not affect the metabolism of alprazolam or midazolam, and therefore no dosage adjustments would be expected to be necessary if patients taking these benzodiazepines also take garlic supplements. Cytochrome P450 phenotypic ratios for predicting herb-drug interactions in humans. In vitro interactions of watersoluble garlic components with human cytochromes P450. It might therefore be expected to increase the risk of bleeding with conventional antiplatelet drugs and other drugs that have antiplatelet adverse effects. Clinical evidence In a study in 23 healthy subjects, liquid aged garlic extract 5 mL (Kyolic), given daily for 13 weeks, inhibited both the rate of platelet aggregation and total platelet aggregation. The authors of an experimental study3 suggest that ajoene inhibits the binding of fibrinogen to the fibrinogen receptor, which occurs in the final step of the platelet aggregation pathway. Ajoene would therefore be expected to interact synergistically with antiplatelet drugs that act at an earlier step in the pathway. Importance and management There is a reasonable body of evidence, which suggests that aged garlic herbal products may have antiplatelet properties. If they do, 200 Garlic inhibited by garlic in healthy subjects, this effect is probably not clinically relevant. Cytochrome P450 phenotypic ratios for predicting herb-drug interactions in humans. Effects of cytochrome P450 2E1 modulators on the pharmacokinetics of chlorzoxazone and 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone in rats. Garlic + Caffeine Garlic does not appear to affect the pharmacokinetics of caffeine. Clinical evidence Garlic oil 500 mg three times daily for 28 days did not affect the metabolism of a single 100-mg dose of caffeine in young1 or elderly2 healthy subjects. Importance and management Evidence for an interaction between garlic and caffeine appears to come from two well-designed studies in humans. These studies suggest that garlic does not affect the metabolism of caffeine, and therefore an increase in caffeine adverse effects would not be expected in those who also take garlic supplements. Cytochrome P450 phenotypic ratios for predicting herb-drug interactions in humans. Garlic + Dextromethorphan Garlic does not appear to affect the pharmacokinetics of dextromethorphan or debrisoquine. Clinical evidence A study in 14 healthy subjects found that Kwai garlic tablets 600 mg twice daily for 14 days did not affect the pharmacokinetics of a single 30-mg dose of dextromethorphan. Importance and management There appear to be two clinical studies investigating the potential for an interaction between garlic and dextromethorphan, both of which found that the pharmacokinetics of dextromethorphan were unaffected by garlic and its constituents. Therefore the dosage of dextromethorphan would not need adjusting if patients also wish to take garlic supplements. Cytochrome P450 phenotypic ratios for predicting herb-drug interactions in humans. In vitro interactions of watersoluble garlic components with human cytochromes P450. G Garlic + Chlorzoxazone the metabolism of chlorzoxazone is modestly inhibited by garlic but this effect is probably not clinically relevant. Clinical evidence Garlic oil 500 mg, given to 12 healthy subjects three times daily for 28 days, reduced the conversion of a single 500-mg dose of chlorzoxazone to 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone by about 40%.

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First, clinical seizure manifestations are influenced by the propagation of the discharge from one cortical region to another, which can lead to false localization (26,27). For example, aphasia may occur in patients with seizures of nondominant temporal origin if spread to the speech-dominant hemisphere occurs by the time language is tested during the seizure. Second, while the specificity of some of the semiologic signs approach 90%, the sensitivity is not as high (21). Indeed, localizing clinical signs may be completely absent in some patients (23,25). Third, seizures arising in functionally silent regions may not show clinical manifestations until spread to eloquent cortex has occurred, which might falsely suggest a seizure origin in the region of propagation. Finally, some regions of the brain lead primarily to subjective perceptual changes that are not appreciable on review of video data due to the absence of a motor or behavioral correlate. Despite these caveats, localization by analysis of ictal semiology is a useful and necessary part of the localizing process (21). Ictal speech preservation in temporal lobe seizures is highly suggestive of nondominant lateralization (28). Ictal aphasia may occur in nondominant temporal lobe seizures if contralateral propagation occurs (29). In one prospective study, nearly all patients with nondominant temporal lobe seizures were able to read a test phrase within 1 minute of seizure onset, while no patient with dominant temporal lobe seizures were able to read until greater than 1 minute had passed (30). Ictal aphasia is less common in dominant hemisphere extratemporal seizures (31), except for those seizures arising in close proximity to the operculum. When assessing speech during seizure activity, it is important to make sure that any detected speech alteration is not primarily due to orolingual motor effects as opposed to language, as the localizing implications are different. Unilateral dystonic hand posturing is associated with contralateral seizure onset (32). This sign is common in temporal lobe seizures, and thought to be due to seizure propagation to neighboring basal ganglia. Unilateral manual automatisms are of lateralizing significance primarily when seen in association with unilateral dystonic posturing affecting the contralateral hand (32). Unilateral automatisms can be mistaken for unilateral upper extremity clonic Lateralizing Signs Some clinical signs are primarily of lateralizing value. Distinguishing unilateral automatisms from clonus is important as the lateralizing implications are opposite. Forced head-turning during transformation from a partial to a secondary generalized seizure typically occurs in the direction contralateral to the hemisphere of seizure onset (33). A: Unilateral dystonic hand posturing on the left and unforced head-turn to the right during a right temporal seizure in a patient with right mesial temporal sclerosis. B: Forced head-turning to the left during progression to a secondary generalized seizure in a seizure of right temporal origin secondary to mesial temporal sclerosis. C: Left facial contracture and clonus during a seizure of right frontocentral onset in a patient with a right periRolandic cortical dysplasia. D: Unilateral postictal nose wiping involving the ipsilateral hand in a patient with right temporal seizures. F: "Fencing" posture in a patient with a secondary generalized seizure of right temporal neocortical onset. H: Ictal paresis involving the left upper extremity during a right parietal seizure of unknown etiology. Ictal vomiting is an uncommon seizure manifestation that correlates with nondominant lateralization when present in the context of temporal lobe seizures (34). Nose wiping with one hand following temporal lobe seizures typically involves the ipsilateral hand (37). Postictal nose wiping is more characteristic of temporal lobe than extratemporal seizures. Unilateral nose wiping is illustrated in a patient following a right temporal lobe seizure in Figure 74. Ictal spitting is usually associated with nondominant temporal lobe seizures, however dominant lateralization has also been reported (38). It is thought to be due to hypersalivation secondary to stimulation of the central autonomic network. Similar to forced head-turning, this typically occurs contralateral to the seizure focus. This typically occurs ipsilateral to the seizure focus and is usually seen in temporal lobe seizures (39).

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The 16-day stay in the intensive care unit was complicated by aspiration pneumonia. Renal and hepatic functions remained normal throughout the course; hematologic parameters fell transiently without complications. Recurrence of seizures was controlled by addition of phenytoin, then carbamazepine. Myoclonus has been reported in about 1% of those treated with pregabalin overall (155). Two patients treated with pregabalin for chronic pain developed myoclonic status epilepticus (157) and another developed asterixis after the first dose of pregabalin (158). Mild, transient elevations in liver enzymes occurred in nonepileptic healthy volunteers taking pregabalin 900 mg/day during multidose pharmacokinetic studies (160). Pregabalin had minimal effects on cognitive and psychomotor functions as compared to alprazolam (161). Meta-analysis of the four double-blind, randomized, add-on, placebo-controlled trials of pregabalin demonstrated that the most common adverse effects were dizziness and somnolence (146). Pregnancy and Teratogenicity Pregabalin is listed as pregnancy category C due to detection of increased incidences of fetal structural abnormalities and other manifestations of developmental toxicity. Pregnancies registries have begun to log information about births to women who received pregabalin in pregnancy, but there are no publications about this in the peer-reviewed literature so far. The package insert recommends that pregabalin should be prescribed during pregnancy only if the potential benefit outweighs the potential risk to the fetus (135). Carcinogenicity An unexpectedly high, dose-dependent increase in incidence of malignant hemangiosarcomas was found in two strains of mice, but not in rats, during standard preclinical lifetime carcinogenicity studies (135,163). No reports associating pregabalin treatment with increased incidence of cancers, specifically hemangiosarcomas, were found in the course of online literature searches. Adverse Effects Adverse effects of pregabalin in pivotal trials were similar to those of gabapentin, with dizziness (29%), somnolence (21%), ataxia (13%), and weight gain (10%) (136). The intensity was generally mild to moderate, with withdrawal rates because of adverse effects ranging from 1. No deaths were reported, and the occurrence of serious adverse effects was infrequent (136). The occurrence of adverse effects of pregabalin in 257 patients followed for 6 months to 2 years during open-label continuation studies was somewhat different (1,142). The most common adverse effects were weight gain (27%), followed by dizziness (22%) and somnolence (20%); leg edema was not Potential for Drug Abuse and Dependence During the pivotal trials of over 5500 patients, 4% of patients treated with pregabalin and 1% of those who received placebo-reported euphoria. This and some preclinical observations led to review by the Drug Enforcement Agency. Pregabalin does not appear to work through opioid pathways (164,165) commonly linked to drugs of abuse. These findings led to the classification of pregabalin (Lyrica) as a Schedule V controlled substance (135). Prescribers should inform patients about and observe signs of drug abuse at follow-up visits. A history of angioedema in response to other drugs or taking other agents known to cause angioedema (such as angiotensin converting-enzyme inhibitors) should raise concern. Blurred vision was reported in 7% of patients taking pregabalin and 2% of patients taking placebo in controlled trials and 1% withdrew because of this. In prospective studies of more than 3600 individuals, there were slightly more patients taking pregabalin than placebo with reduced visual acuity (7% vs. Patients with treatment-emergent visual changes should be instructed to notify their physicians and appropriate investigation should ensue. Threefold or greater elevations of creatine kinase above normal were observed in 1. Decreased numbers of platelets were detected at higher incidence in pregabalin-exposed patients in clinical trials. There was no increase in incidence of bleeding diathesis due to exposure to pregabalin in the course of the pivotal trials.

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Hengley, 23 years: Each ion channel has its own relative ion selectivity and the net directional flux of ions (which depends on both the concentration of ions on either side of the membrane and the membrane polarity or voltage) determines whether this flux will move the neuronal membrane voltage toward, or away from, its resting state. In the rat hippocampus, GluR1 and GluR2 primarily exist in a flip isoform prior to adolescence but begin to exist in a flop isoform during adolescence (2­4 weeks of age) (63). For example, the Constitution gives Congress the power to "coin Money," in addition to the power to "regulate the Value thereof.

Varek, 61 years: Due at least in part to the failure of the federal government adequately to address the wellbeing of Native Americans over the last two centuries, Native Americans continue to rank near the bottom of all Americans in health, education, and employment outcomes. Flicker illness: An underrecognized but preventable complication of helicopter transport. A comparison of lorazepam and diazepam as initial therapy in convulsive status epilepticus.

Shakyor, 60 years: The seizure action plan also helps the school to know when to call 911 in case of seizures. The low-voltage fast activity, best seen with depth electrodes, may appear only as flattening at the surface. In rare cases, focal-onset seizures of frontal lobe origin can mimic typical absence seizures.

Jaroll, 37 years: For information on the interactions of individual flavonoids present in German chamomile, see under flavonoids, page 186. Usually there is leptomeningeal enhancement; however, cases have been described without the leptomeningeal involvement. Vagus nerve stimulation, ketogenic diet, and surgery should be considered when appropriate.

Barrack, 39 years: These usually occur one to two hours after a dose of levodopa has been absorbed into the bloodstream and is having its peak clinical effect. The autonomic phenomena include changes in respiratory rhythms or apnea, pallor, heart rate modification, and mydriasis (24). Myelin has been shown to modulate perpendicular diffusivity (7,8), although it is not the only factor involved (17).

Sivert, 32 years: Addition of an inducer decreases phenytoin concentrations; addition of an inhibitor increases them. Although aniseed contains natural coumarins, the quantity of these constituents is not established, and therefore the propensity of aniseed to interact with other drugs because of their presence is unclear. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Coverage exemptions for American Indians, & Alaska Natives, and others eligible for services from Indian health programs.

Einar, 44 years: Poorly excreted nutritional substances that can induce microsomal drug metabolism may be present in excess quantities in renal patients. Navigational Note: Hoarseness Mild or intermittent voice Moderate or persistent voice Severe voice changes change; fully understandable; changes; may require including predominantly self-resolves occasional repetition but whispered speech understandable on telephone; medical evaluation indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by harsh and raspy voice arising from or spreading to the larynx. Some state and tribal governments have also developed cross-jurisdictional agreements on shared jurisdiction, which helps address public safety issues related to overlapping jurisdictions.

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